Women’s Day Wishes!
Wishing all women a bright Women’s Day celebrations! Every year 8th of March is celebrated as the Women’s Day throughout the world. Formerly, only a few professions such as teaching, nursing etc which require enormous amount of patience were the exclusive preserve of the women.
But the recent decades witness amazing development in the lives of women. The women from all walks of life have been scaling heights in various spheres of life throughout the globe. They have been proving their mettle in all of them. It is also well known that the upbringing of children with the good moral values and education all, depend on the role played the women of the families the mothers.
This kind of brilliant change in the lives of women appeared to be happening largely among the urban women. And in order to fill in this gap and to help the women from the rural areas several initiatives are being carried out by both the state and central governments in India in recent years.
On this World Women’s Day celebrations, Wisdom institutions compliment all women and girls for such unprecedented strides being made. While doing so, we are forced to ponder over certain issues that affect the progress of the future of women in India and in particular those belonging to our villages.
The reluctance of girls in utilizing the enormous opportunities that await them in the sector of Hospitality and hotel industry certainly is a concern. The hospitality industry has started flourishing again with the severity of the Covid pandemic conditions that have taken a heavy toll of livelihood and career scope of many a youngsters are no longer there.
Here at Wisdom Institutions the male female ratio of students undergoing the various Hospitality and Hotel Management and Food Production Degree, Diploma and Certificate courses is now a dismal 10:1. And hence during this time of Women’s Day observation we wish all the girls especially those in the rural belts to go in for skill development courses in Hospitality Management and Food Production .
We call all girls to make use of the big opportunities that shall offer highly rewarding and secured careers in the hospitality industry. The opportunity for students to earn while they learn in the form of Internships make it further more rewarding compared to many disciplines of studies. Most of the students at Wisdom pay the course fees from the income they earn during their internships.
With the new academic year about to commence soon the girls who complete their school final board exams, of 10th and +2 can choose the Hospitality industry oriented courses. Wisdom with its long tie up with renowned hotels and resorts offers 100% job placements for all the students who undergo courses here.