The international Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th March across the world. In India the day is being celebrated widely in recent years. And the issues affecting women are discussed during the day in various events.
This year’s international women’s day assumes much more
significance as it comes after a turbulent period of around three years of
panic filled covid pandemic time. This is the first March 8th that
is relatively free from those pandemic protocols social distancing.
But it is very
promising for women as their tremendous progress in aspects of their welfare
and rights. In recent times the gender parity has been gaining ground to an
extent as we can see women being in most of the positions of responsibilities
and respectability.
Women are found in all sectors and fields as they work as
pilots, engineers, politicians, medical persons, teachers, astronauts and even in
other non-traditional fields such as heavy vehicle drivers etc. In fact, the
number of women becoming as CEOs of big corporates and entrepreneurs also has
been increasing considerably.
SPPD has been involved in quite a lot of initiatives aimed at
improving the lot of women and girls. And Women Empowerment is one of the major
activities in SPPD. In SPPD the quality education and sound health for girl
children are ensured through various interventions in association and help from
organizations such as the Give India.
Similarly with the strong conviction that financial
independence and security will always pave the way towards women empowerment,
SPPD facilitates in arranging for loan links for income generation initiatives.
Links with banks for loans for women in the villages here have made a good
number of women to become small time entrepreneurs in our villages.
During the pandemic times and post pandemic there has been a
focus from SPPD on the nutritional needs of girl children as the they were deprived
of the noon meals normally provided in schools as the schools remained shut for
a fairly long time
The windows and abandoned women were given utmost importance
in being provided the relief materials such as groceries kits and cash doles
during the peak of the Covid pandemic by SPPD.
Now the focus of SPPD has again shifted to facilitation for
skill development of women on par with men and financial empowerment for Women
Self Help Groups (SHGs) through bank links etc.
In these conditions SPPD takes pride in extending its wishes
for a happy International Women’s Day!